What to Wear for Photographs:

Clothing and accessories:

So you’ve decided to invest in some awesome family photos. And now, if you are like most of my clients, you’re probably wondering, “What the heck should we wear?

  1. Wear something you love. Pick the outfit in your closet (or shop for one if need be) that makes you feel amazing. The one that makes you smile when you put it on, that you know you look good in and that brings a little extra pep to your step. Do not wear oversize outfits as these tend to make you look larger than you actually are.  Choose well fitting clothing and be aware of low cut tops may not have you looking your best.   
  2. Colour yourself happy. Darks and neutrals have their place, but colour will win out every time. When in doubt of what colour to wear, go with something that will bring out your eyes. And I always suggest bright or light colours… dark colours and neutrals can get lost in the background unless the location scenery is white (like sand or snow for instance).
  3. Stay away from matchy matchy. That being said, some people love this look, and if that’s you, that’s okay. But I find the family picture sessions that turn out amazing are the ones where everyone is allowed to wear something they love and feel comfortable in and yet it compliments everyone else’s outfits as a whole. Pick out colours or patterns that work together.
  4. Shoes matter. All that effort you put into your family’s ensemble should include your footwear as well. At some point during the shoot your shoes will be in the photos.
  5. Dress everyone up or down. Your family or group should look like they are going to the same type of gathering; everyone in casual wear or dressed up, but not a mix of both.                        
  6. Work with the weather. Family photos can be taken at any time of the year, but always keep the weather in mind. Winter photos with everyone freezing their butts off in cute outfits won’t make for the greatest pictures. You can always bring extra jacket or scarves, mitts etc. We can do some shots with and some without them.
  7. Play down those patterns. Some photographers will tell you not to wear patterns at all, that they are simply too distracting. I, however, think they look fantastic when done right in small amounts. As long as the whole outfit or entire family is not decked out in distracting patterns, you’re good to go. One thing I do suggest staying away from though is logos and slogans.
  8. Accessorize. Hats, scarves, jewelry etc. all can really add to the look of a family photo session. But do not overdo it. Sometimes simple is elegant.
  9. If you are having winter photos done please do not wear white.  Similarly if you are having photos done in front of a very dark background (barn etc.) please do not wear very dark colours.  If in doubt ask the photographer and you will receive feedback on wardrobe choices.
  10. Sometimes I get asked if we can change wardrobe....for family portraits there usually is not enough time but what you can do is bring a nice sweater or layers and do some photos with and without say the jacket for a different look.  If you are doing single shots (portraits) then absolutely...maximum of 2-3 as my time starts and ends at a certain time and you do not want to waste it changing into outfits.


The most important thing is to wear something that allows your family to be yourselves.



Copyright Erika Belanger Photography